
Take two parts BUFFY and one part HIGHLANDER.  Mix in a large cauldron with a dash of whimsy.  This one-hour series brings adventure fantasy to the small screen with a sense of humor and a comfortable levity that let it serve as a gentle allegory about tolerance and diversity in the magical world of modern America.

Barrion Callen, a 437 year-old sorcerer, teaches philosophy at Boston University and protects the world from magical threats.

Like the ozone layer that protects us from the sun’s harmful radiation, the veils between the world we know and the magical worlds next door has begun to thin.  Were it not for the efforts of people like centuries-old sorcerer Barrion Callen and his trusted team, the ethereal membrane might already have torn apart, allowing mystical forces and powerful beings to spill through into an unprepared and hostile world of technology and warfare, bigotry and intolerance.  The last time the boundaries became this thin, magical beings and mundanes alike were burned as witches.  Barrion has no intention of ever witnessing the kind of madness he back then.

Now he works both ends of the issue, striving to hold the fabric of the Universe together just a little bit longer while simultaneously working as an educator, preparing the people of Earth to accept a world with more possibilities than those to which they have grown accustomed.  He delays the collision of the parallel worlds while smoothing the way for the inevitable event.  Sometimes, like a Dutch boy with his finger in a dyke trying to convince the people of Holland that rushing water can be their friend, he seems destined to lose both battles.

Several elements of his circumstances hamper his efforts.  The political complexities of a life in academia require that he keep his true nature a secret.   His father, exploring distant planes, makes frequent psychic contact to demand his son’s assistance.  Even the help offered by members of his own team, who do not always understand or agree with the rules that govern Barrion’s actions, sometimes proves a legitimate obstacle to his complex and multi-faceted mission.

None of this can sway his resolve, though.  Well aware of the power of perception, Barrion would be the first to explain that every obstacle is really just a challenge onto which someone has projected an illusion of immutability. If the very fabric that makes up the Universe can become permeable, surely no wall can be entirely unbreachable.

As you walk the concrete sidewalks of your neighborhood in the weeks to come, be aware of the magical world existing just past the invisible veil. Be aware of the magical creatures that long to share our bright green and blue world. Be grateful to Barrion and his team for staving them off until everyone is as ready to welcome them as you are.